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Portfolio and projects

Instructions for Use

ESA SENTINEL earth observation

Covid ventilator IFU

Since 2012, I have worked directly with one of the world's largest healthcare imaging system manufacturers based in The Netherlands, to produce their Instructions for Use.


This involves IFUs for fixed and mobile imaging systems, and interventional software tools.


These manuals are written and maintained using XML and are translated for use around the world.

Throughout 2012 and 2013, I was engaged by the consultancy firm Optimise4 to provide technical writing services to the specialist earth observation software company, ARGANS.


Receiving content written around the world by suppliers to the European Space Agency Sentinel EO project, I edited content for the Sentinel User Guide and Technical Guide web pages to provide coherent style and usability.

In early 2020, as the global health pandemic took hold, I was requested to work with a subsidiary of the global engineering services firm Etteplan, in The Netherlands, to support a client developing a medical ventilator in response to the emerging health crisis.


With a very short development schedule, I was able to produce the majority of the Instructions for Use for the new medical ventilator in a short 3-week period, providing a baseline for the client to embark on an accelerated regulatory approval process.

Education materials

In 2018, I developed a Quick Start Guide format for the education team of a major global healthcare imaging customer.


This format makes considerable use of XML-based content reuse and efficiency and has multiple uses for company specialists and customers as well as supporting training curriculums.


Since late 2017, I have supported the same education team to produce educational materials for customers and internal specialists.


Materials include workbooks, clinical procedure guides, checklists and demonstration scripts.

Business writing and handbook creation

Over the last decade, I have written many business-related documents for clients including policy documents, procedural texts, business and process handbooks, and bid proposal documentation.





ICU lighting service manual

In 2018, I was requested to support a business unit in one of the world's foremost healthcare technology companies. The product was a ceiling-mounted lighting and imaging system designed to prevent delirium in hospital intensive care units.


Based on the design specifications and drawings, I produced a Service Manual, allowing the company's Field Service Engineers to perform vital maintenance and upgrade activities in hospital ICUs.

Get in touch today and start improving your manuals
  • User manuals

  • User guides

  • Software manuals

  • Hardware manuals

  • Instructions for use

  • Repair procedures

  • Maintenance manuals

  • Service manuals

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