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Technical writing services


User guides and manuals

As a manufacturer, designer or supplier, an important aspect of your product line and customer support is the user information you supply to your end users.

With over 25 years' experience in writing for users and maintainers, I can add value to your product or service by increasing the value of your published information.


Service and repair manuals

Professionally written technical information, whether printed or online, adds value to your product.

Easy-to-use guides and procedures make your customers happier and your products the ones they'll choose again and again.

Your technical information is the key to the safe use of your product, so have your manuals and procedures written professionally and increase the user experience.


Website content

There's nothing worse than being excited about a new website and realising the developer needs you to write pages of content.

Where do you find the time?

I support website developers and customers by writing website content in the style you need covering the subjects you want.

Move your website closer to completion by engaging a professional to write your content.


Proofreading and editing

Sometimes you just need a second set of eyes to look over your documents. There's nothing worse than finding spelling or grammar errors in tender submissions or reports after you've delivered them.

That's where I can help. My experience means I can find issues that might not be evident to you.

Make your documentation as good as it can be with professional proofreading and editing.


Writing for translation

If you're exporting products, translating your customer guides and manuals can be very expensive.

I can assist by reviewing your existing documents and letting you know where you can save money and make your manuals easier and cheaper to translate.


Technical copywriting

Professional technical sales literature and websites need professional technical content.

I'll get to know your company and your products and write professional, consistent and high quality content for your website or brochures.

Get in touch today and start improving your manuals
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